Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finally bought a pack...Ehhh.

While driving through Chelan, Washington, I stopped at Wal-Mart to get a bit of food and decided to check out their card selection. Well, I saw those new Heritage, so I decided to try it.

One pack was all I bought, so when I opened it up and saw a bit of chrome shining back, I thought it was possibly something good. After all, it did "feel" right when I picked it up.

It was chrome alright...a chrome Brad Penny card...Ugh! Still a numbered card isn't bad for only buying one pack.

As for NPNs, there is a new NPN at Upper Deck for the 2007-08 SP Authentic (Exquisite Experience).

Maybe I'll go back to Wal-Mart on payday and buy a blaster of Heritage...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's been five weeks...

Three weeks if you consider two weeks until the drawing...

Oddly enough, that's the same amount of time that I've been avoiding red meat, not partaking in McDonald's or other fast foods and have actually been drinking lots of water. Lost 20 pounds so far and without the aid of additional exercise. Which could be why I'm so hooked on this specific hobby.

But back to the cards...

As I said earlier, WalMart still doesn't have anything. They've not-so-cleverly moved all of their crap football boxes into other areas of the display to make it look more full.

The only thing tempting now is the hockey cards. The odd thing is that I live in an area 50 miles from Canada and Canadians are prevalent at this specific WalMart, but I think they all must be non-hockey-lovin' Canadians.

I believe the Canadian Criminal Code says that not loving hockey is punishable by death. I think it goes along with speaking two languages and not paying attention to express checkouts (the other day I was at WalMart - God forbid - and a Canadian got in the express lane before I could get there. 800 items in the 20 items or less lane. I guess the metric conversion confused the dipwad.)

So, nothing new to report other than a Canadian with bad shopping etiquette. By the way, I've already reported him to Canadian authorities for not purchasing any hockey cards. The next time it happens, I'll burn a photo of Wayne Gretzky in effigy.

Come on Donruss, Topps and Upper Deck! Send me some cards!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Two new NPNs from Upper Deck

Upper Deck just added two new NPNs to their site (

• 2007-08 UD Black Basketball
• 2007-08 UD Ice Hockey

They have removed:
• 2008 SP Authentic Football

More pricey cards available...

Friday, March 14, 2008

How long does it normally take to get your first NPN?

Figuring that I sent my first NPN for a Feb. 13 deadline, I figure the first that I should consider a success...

Feb. 13 postmark deadline
Feb. 20 delivery deadline
Feb. 27 drawing
March 5 - first week
March 12 - second week
March 19 - third week
March 26 -fourth week

What am I complaining about? It could happen at any time. Though I hope it happens soon.

Any ideas about when Upper Deck is going to start drawing for NPNs?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

When is A&G coming out??

I never thought I'd walk into Wal-Mart and not see one pack or box I couldn't live without.

But it happened.

All they had was a few packs of WWE Heritage and a plethera of those cheesy Baseball, Football and Basketball variety boxes with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT CRAP in them.

When am I ever going to be able to break a decent pack/box on this blog?

Where are the Turkey Red, Allen & Ginter and Goudey cards when I need them??

The wait is unbearable!

I'm using all of my powers to keep from going crazy waiting for these damn cards!

While I figure my chances of getting anything good are slim, I still find myself coming home each night from work and crossing my fingers before I hit the mailbox.

Still nothing there.

I expect that I won't see anything until at least March 20. That would be about five weeks after the first deadline passed for Topps Sterling. Hah! Topps Sterling! Like I'd actually get anything from a set that carries such a hefty price tag...maybe '52 Rookies will surprise me.

Friday, March 7, 2008

2007 Exquisite Collection FB NPN Online!

I just noticed that Exquisite football has been added to Upper Deck's NPN page (

Get an entry in early as these packs SRP for around $599.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hopefully my good and bad luck transfers to NPNs

Don't get me wrong, I've had good luch with packs and boxes of cards. But then again, I've had monsterous luck as well with card collecting.

Back in the early 80's, I was lucky enough to spend my allowance on cards from the 50's and 60's from the local comic book store for $5 or less. Something I wish I had done more of.

Back in 92, I bought four packs of SP Baseball searching for the elusive Griffey die-cut. Found it in the last pack. But 10 years after, found a Jeter rookie from the same packs. That's decent.

I even put down about $120 on a box of UD Masterpiece last year. Pulled a Papelbon auto, a couple decent jerseys and a nice black printing plate of the Junior Griffey. Not too shabby.

But I've also paid for some real stinkers.

That's why I hope this hobby pays off. I consider it a hobby, because instead of having to remember the names of players, I have to keep track of contests. If, God forbid, I do actually get any cards, they will go toward my other hobby - collecting.

I'll still buy cards. Though it is a little tough. Living in a small rural community, the availability of cards is pretty slim. Wal-Mart is the only game in this town. An occasional trip to bigger cities doesn't offer much in return as most open boxes are already picked beyond reason.

So far, nothing has come in, but I'm still hopeful. If they never come in, it wasn't a total loss. I buy lotto tickets when the jackpot hits a high level, but I've never won that either. $1 for a ticket vs. 41 cents for a stamp? I think I can manage that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I'm starting this NPN blog...

Recently, I was in search of a website that offered up information on NPN (No purchase necessary) sports and entertainment cards. I found, a great site which offers addresses of the latest offers, but it didn't have information on cards received.

I read all of the bulletin boards out there, but none of them had stats on how many cards were sent and how many were received. Other things like card release calendars and release delays were also lacking.

So, without further ado, that is what this blog will provide - everything I can put together on NPNs.

Once I receive an address, I will post an entry telling you when they were sent. If cards are received, they will also be posted.

I still plan to check out daily and hope others will too, because the owner, Jeff, puts together quite a site, which got me hooked on this 41 cent hobby (42 cents in May) .